Industrial IOT APIs

Common Challenges

You have a solution for your customers on the outer internet.

Whether it is hardware or software, the challenges are many.

From the security aspects of serving multiple customers while preserving their privacy to the challenges of ensuring that you can scale up as needed, without at the same time investing huge money upfront in infrastructure that may or may not serve you in the future.

From having a solution that serves the needs of your customers to an infrastructure that is easy to operate.

Things are not easy, plus you want to stay focused on your core domain, the technology should not be a means to an end.


Common websites that you use to offer your services should follow best practices, for example setting Security Headers properly.

When it comes to Authentication and Authentication common websites can be implemented in a variety of ways, but the level of security varies: a WordPress implementation can be okay for promotional material, but if the same websites is used to steer an important API or handle sensible customer data, probably less so.

For secure company portals and services you might need to implement an internal CA.

A bit of infos here about the reasons behind:

Also if you are going to create your own private certificate authority, we have just open-sourced some important building blocks like
  • A library to sign x509 Certificates online: Cert-Signer
  • An offline Certification Authority: Iron

Sometimes you would do it away with a company SSO, whether it is Oauth2 or Open ID Connect.

Handling of Time Series

Some other challenges are not inherent to the problem domain, but rather as a result of the technology that we throw at the problem, namely microservices, in many cases, or "Cloud Computing".

One such example is distributed logging. We made a special case for this one in the context of timeseries .

In the domain of Industrial IOT timeseries are presents in so many flavours that it made sense to build a specific product for that, optimized for simplicity and reuse.

The tool is named Yats as in: Yet Another Time Serie

We appreciate the complexity of the scenario and found a way to thrive despite of it, a lot of experience, and some opinions gave us the ability to discern patterns through the maze.

Need Help?

We open source a lot of code because we think the best products do not do things behind the back of the user, therefore you can download, build, operate Yats free of charge in respect of the terms of the license .

The same applies for most of the projects that are published through our Projects Page

If you need help in any of the above, or want to see a custom feature implemented, we're happy to provide commercial support .

In any case, your feedback is most welcome.