Computing On The Edge - 202331

The Unbearable Lightness of Code

In the economy of keeping things lean and secure, software maintenance often includes deleting code that is not used or tested.

Efficiency mandates using less and achieve more.

Everything is a tradeoff.

There is no real progress or culture shift in code itself. Code is rather a byproduct of the industries where it is used for some purpose, it does not exist in a vacuum.

In recent times we've seen those industries expanding, and possibly they will continue to do so, just maybe not now.

We need a breaktrough, we need innovations that add value and can be used from code, we don't need automatic bullshit code generators: we need new ideas that make life better, not more clunkiness that we use to show off as smart people, which we aren't.

Smart devices make us dumber: we need dumb baseline technologies to build upon brand new intelligent constructions.

We need to stop building boredom machines and switch to more creative, value-added computing.

We inherited fantastic, quasi-magical tech right now, that we mostly use to shootgun ourselves in uncreatively dumb and social-friendly ways: we need to stop this.

We built a worldwide white canvas for ideas and we are just using it to tease and disconfort each other: if in your culture there is a definition for something immoral, this should likely be a very close match.

Reading Tips for the week

Distributed Computing

Microservices Retrospective – What We Learned (and Didn’t Learn) from Netflix

Self Hosting

HAProxy and Let’s Encrypt: Improved Support in

How to Convert Virtual Machine Image Formats
